Historical Authenticity Guides - some valuable sources

In researching armour and weaponry for the HMB tournament Battle of the Nations the UK Federation Authenticity Officer KieranNeale provided Ravencrest with some valuable and incredibly well designed time-lines showing how the different styles of armour and weaponry developed over time and in relation to one another.

Although published in print in what appears to be quite an old book, the diagrams have the look of very modern infographics. Ravencrest think they are fabulous for a number of reasons;

  • They simplfy a confusing and complex subject matter 
  • They are an immensely useful quick check idiots guide for reenactors and full-contact fighters alike
  • They explain visually several hundred years of development in one place.


Here they are:

Full Harness Development:

Harness Development

Helmet Development:

Helmet development:


Sword Development:

Sword Development

Torso Armour:

Body armour development

Gauntlet Development:

Gauntlet development;

Shield Development:

Shield development:

Posted in Armour Authenticity  


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